Happy 4th Birthday Milo!

Well, this baby is now 4.

Happy happy birthday, Milo! Nate is out of town for Milo’s actual birthday, so we did an early birthday party last weekend at a nearby park. We invited a bunch of his friends, shared pizza and cake, and celebrated our boy! His one request was “a sprinkle cake.” Done!

In honor of his 4th birthday, here are 4 fun things about Milo:

1. He loves music. And he’s quite musical! He’s great at matching pitch and singing in tune, and he loves to mimic rhythms with clapping, hitting something, or just making a funny noise with his mouth. I plan to enroll him in Suzuki piano lessons in the next year or two and I’m excited to watch him learn.

2. He keeps his friend circle small. He loves to find one or two friends and really latch on to them. He’s not the loud, outgoing one in a crowd of people. He’s typically pretty quiet and he likes to observe, and then once he finds his buddy he’ll form a good bond. He has a best friend at school and talks about him all the time, and he also loves his little brother. It’s been so much fun to watch them really start to play together in the last few months.

3. One of his favorite activities is riding bikes outside with neighborhood friends. He’ll often ask me, “mommy, are any friends outside?” and we’ll wander to the sidewalk with our bikes and helmets to see if anyone comes outside. Sure enough, 9 times out of 10 a few other neighbor families will also stroll outside and we’ll all enjoy dusk. The parents talk on the driveway while the little ones run in the grass or ride their bikes back and forth on the sidewalk. I love that Milo enjoys these moments so much, because many of my happiest childhood memories are made from the same stuff.

4. Milo loves his family so much. Not just his immediate family, but his extended family, too. He will randomly say, “I miss Courtney” and then talk about how we can’t drive to see her…we have to fly, and it’s a long long way. And his excitement when I say that auntie CC or Kyky is coming to town is HUGE. He loves it when family comes to visit! He gets equally excited about time with any of his 4 amazing grandparents, or Kylee’s boyfriend Tyler. He talks often about how much he misses Sayed. I have a really big family, and it’s been fun to watch not only the ways that the family has made a huge effort to know Milo at every stage, but also how Milo really wants to know every family member, too.


I think there’s something extra sentimental about the oldest child’s birthdays because they also symbolize my anniversaries of motherhood…and make me really realize how quickly this whole thing is going by. I get a little weepy when I think of the moment we found out we were pregnant for the first time and the world of changes that have occurred since that morning back in early 2019.

And, of course, I’ll always get chills when I think of Milo’s actual birth day. The whole thing was this haze of love and support and a real feeling that everything was about to completely change forever…in the best possible way.

We’re going on a family camping trip to Pedernales Falls for Milo’s actual birthday. I can’t wait to share a recap of his first camping trip with you all!

Happy birthday to my boy. I love you so much, Milo!

PS: a throwback to Milo’s first birthday.

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