Vegas 2023 For Caitlin’s Wedding: Part 2
This trip was so much fun. 🙂 It’s a rare treat to get away with Nate for a weekend in a REALLY FUN city, but
This trip was so much fun. 🙂 It’s a rare treat to get away with Nate for a weekend in a REALLY FUN city, but
Whoooo!! I love a travel recap! And I loooove getting to go on a trip to see one of my best friends get married! It
Part 1 of our week in San Antonio at the Hyatt Wild Oak Ranch.
Currently in San Antonio on a little family getaway, and the reality of this blog post rings especially true on vacation.
A few weeks ago, Nate and Milo went up to Ohio for a quick weekend trip. Here are a few pics, if you’d like to
Hi there! I’m Kelsey. Austin, TX resident, foodie, and travel book author. I live in ATX with my husband and my two adorable boys.
Want to get in touch? Email me at hello@somuchlife.com
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Hi there! This is my personal blog where I share my Austin life with you. Thanks for being here! Xx, Kelsey