My Dayton baby is just the love of my life! I’ll be honest with you: 19 months is where it starts getting REALLY fun for me again. 🙂  6-12 months is my absolute favorite (the rolls! the squish! the rolling over and learning to sit up!) and then 12-18 months is not my very favorite (because they just get into EVERYTHING but they can’t really communicate very well.) And then the stage we’re in right now, where he’s quickly moving from a baby to a toddler, is the best. He’s still a snuggly little baby and loves to be held, but he’s also learning to talk and how to communicate. He loves to copy literally everything that his big brother does (Milo either loves this or hates this, there is no in between) and copies everything that I do, too.
I think that God knew that he needed to keep my Dayton boy a “baby” just a bit longer, and so unlike his brother, he’s not speaking in full sentences at 19 months. Dayton is a “grunt-and-point” sort of baby, and I don’t mind this at all. He’ll string words together when he’s ready, but for now, he’s just a sweet and perfect little baby.
Also, he still somehow always has a bump on his head. This child is sweet but he’s a crazy one, y’all.
So there you go. Yummiest little 19-month-old and just the best boy.