12 Little Monthly Goals for 2019

12 Little Monthly Goals for 2019

12 Little Monthly Goals for 2019

I shared this post on the first day of 2018 with 12 little monthly goals for my year. It was a fun mix of some goofy goals and a few really challenging ones.

I think I made one big mistake last year: I put all of the super challenging goals at the beginning of the year. My idea was to get them over with and then have the fun stuff at the end, but it really just meant I was burned out and didn’t want to continue with goals in July-December.

I also learned a lot about myself and the goals I set. The intense side of me has softened (just a tiny, tiny bit… ;))  and so you won’t see goals like “avoid sugar for the month” or “workout every day” in 2019. New year, new goals that reflect the current version of myself.

12 Little Monthly Goals for 2019

12 Little Goals for 2019

JANUARY // Meditate every day. 

Yep, I’m repeating this goal because it was SO POWERFUL! Meditation has actually changed my life. I had some big things happen to me in 2018, and I believe they’re directly related to learning how to close my eyes, quiet my chit-chatty mind, and tap into my subconscious Higher Power.

If you’re curious about mediation, check out this blog post: “What I Learned From Meditating Every Day.” Also, the Headspace app is a great place for beginners.

FEBRUARY // Cook out of one cookbook for the whole month. 

I’ve always wanted to try to cook my way through a cookbook, but I’m afraid if I make that my goal then I’ll become obsessed with finishing every recipe in the book, and I’ll get sick of cooking. That’s the opposite of what I’m trying to accomplish here!

So I’m just going to work through one cookbook, but I’m not setting any rules about having to make every recipe in the book. I’m hoping I’ll make 10-15 in the month, though! (Cookbook hasn’t been chosen yet, but I’m thinking of using one of Jamie Oliver’s books, like this one.)

MARCH // Wish happiness on three people daily. 

This is a little three minute exercise I read about in Tim Ferris’s book Tribe of Mentors. The idea is that by wishing happiness for others, you also feel that happiness yourself. He says it’s a ridiculously powerful exercise that just takes a few minutes out of your day, so I figured I’d try it!

12 Little Monthly Goals for 2019

APRIL // Be your unapologetically weird self. 

Sometimes “weird” means hipster clothes, starting a band, taking extreme photos, or singing broadway tunes on instagram live. And sometimes “weird” means going to bed at 9:30 and reading 100 books a year and spending more time as an introvert.

Just be your true self. Unapologetically.

MAY // No social media Sundays. 

Y’all, I’ve GOT to make this a goal for at least one month of the year! May seems like a good time, since it’s almost halfway through the year. More conversations, naps, walks, and books, less comparison, time spent liking and commenting, and stress.

(I can’t give it up for the whole month because this blog is now a part-time job, but I can commit to signing off of social media 1 day per week.)

12 Little Monthly Goals for 2019

JUNE // Write in a gratitude journal every day. 

This goals from 2018 (along with mediation) goes down as the most powerful practice I’ve experienced. It changed me. Wake up grateful, go to bed grateful.

JULY // Buy yourself something you love. 

July is my birthday month, so I’m going to buy myself something I love! TBD….

AUGUST // Wear earrings every day. 

(Could also be wear lipstick/wear jeans/wear my favorite purse/wear anything that makes you feel good.)

I love wearing earrings, but I don’t do it that often because of the violin! (It’s hard to play the violin with earrings on because they clank against the wood, so I’m constantly taking them on and off.)

August isn’t symphony season, and I usually take a few weeks off of teaching during this month, so it seems like a good time to put on a pair of earrings every morning.

PS: I got Kendra Scott’s earring ladder for Christmas, so now all of my earrings are beautifully displayed for me to wear. Even more of a reason to wear them!

12 Little Monthly Goals for 2019

SEPTEMBER // Do the things you love to do. 

Don’t overthink it. Just do the things that make you really happy.

(For me, this is barre, yoga, eating ice cream, getting manicures, going to Alamo Drafthouse to see movies, Torchy’s queso, long walks around the neighborhood, and wearing bright pink lipstick.)

OCTOBER // Try 31 different types of beer. 

This was a goal from 2018 that I never did, but I really want to try it again this year! My idea is to go to a bottle shop at the beginning of the month and purchase about 15 beers that I’ll taste at home throughout the month, and then go to Banger’s and try about 15 on tap throughout the month.

Nate is a huge beer nerd, so I’ll be able to share flights with him. I don’t think I’d be able to finish 31 whole beers all by myself.

12 Little Monthly Goals for 2019

NOVEMBER // Meditate every day. 

Yes, the same goal is happening twice in one year. By November, I’ll need to reset, and the practice of meditation is just SO POWERFUL!

DECEMBER // Make a massive goal. Just take ONE STEP toward it. 

One step, baby. You got this.

12 Little Monthly Goals for 2019

Happy 2019!!

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5 years ago

Loved reading these, Kels! Giving me inspo for my own goals!

5 years ago

LOVE these goals – especially buy your self something nice for you birthday month – that’s awesome! And I love the idea of trying new beers, especially since I’m a bit of beer nerd too.

5 years ago

[…] the beginning of 2019, I posted 12 little monthly goals that I’d try to keep up […]

5 years ago

[…] monthly goal for this month is to write in my gratitude journal every single day. My goal is to make it as much […]

5 years ago

[…] enjoyed some time on the back patio! I made my coffee and got started on my gratitude journal (my monthly goal for June) while she read a […]

5 years ago

[…] how I did a mini social media cleanse for my monthly goal in May? I didn’t take the entire month away from social media, but I decided to make Sundays […]

2 years ago

[…] 2021! I’ve shared these monthly goals for the past few years (see my monthly goals from 2018, 2019, and 2020.) Some of these are serious, but most of them are just fun monthly goals to put a little […]

1 year ago

[…] 2019: this was the year that I learned to put bigger challenges toward the beginning of the year when I’m raring to go, and then put my gentle, fun goals in the middle/end. There were some really fun goals in 2019, like wearing earrings every day, and taking a social media break every Sunday. Oh, and October’s goal clearly didn’t happen because I was 9 months pregnant. 😉  […]

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