5 (More) Tips To Wake Up For An Early Morning Workout

How To Wake Up early for morning workouts

How To Wake Up early for morning workoutsAre you trying to start a morning workout habit? I’m sharing 5 of my best tips that I use to wake up for early Barre Code Austin workouts. I’m calling these 5 (more) tips, because I’ve written about this before. I love sharing ideas, and I love hearing your ideas! Comment below and let me know any tips you have to stay committed to your morning workout

Also see: How to wake up early and LOVE it 

5 (more) tips to wake up for an early morning workout

1. Lay out everything the night before

tips to wake up for an early morning workout

Friends!! I can’t tell you how much this helps me! There have been rare occasions when I think, “it’s not so important, and I’m really tired… I’ll just gather my stuff in the morning.” And you know what happens?

I sleep through that workout.

It’s so easy to grab my leggings, workout tank, sports bra, barre socks, water bottle, wallet, and keys and have them all ready to go. Let’s be honest…is my brain actually functioning at 5:30 in the morning? Probably not. I need all the help I can get.

Also see: Don’t Make These 5 Common Posture Mistakes in Barre Class

2. I Use These Pre-Workout Packets from WMNutrition

tips to wake up for an early morning workout

If I could, I would start drinking coffee within my first 5 minutes of being awake. (I discovered during my 24 hour juice cleanse that I’m pretty addicted to caffeine…and I’m just going to be ok with that right now.)

WM Nutrition sent me some of the pre-workout packets, and I’m hooked. I LOVE them!! {Use the code KELSEY50 if you want to try them for 50% off!} They’re a powder that you dump straight into your mouth, kind of like a pixy stick, so they’re super fast-acting. I take one about 15 minutes before my workout.

They give me a little jolt of caffeine so I have a clear mind, an energetic body, and I can dig just a bit deeper on those tough cardio TBC workouts at The Barre Code. Best part? No tummy issues like I sometimes get with coffee!

3. Accountability, Accountability, Accountability

Find that person who won’t let you sleep in. If you love working out with a buddy, find a tribe of at least 3 people who want to better themselves. That way, if one person texts the night before and says she can’t make the morning workout, you still have another person will be there. Groups of 3 are much stronger than groups of 2.

My accountability is the Barre Code cancelation policy. Haha… I’ve mentioned this before on the blog, but I kind of love that they charge $10 if you sign up and then don’t show up, because that’s the incentive I need to get my butt out of bed! I don’t want to be charged $10 every time I sleep in. I mean….that’s two cappuccinos at Houndstooth, you know??

Also see: What Exactly Is Barre, Anyway?

4. Find the workout that makes you SO happy! tips to wake up for an early morning workout

Workouts shouldn’t be miserable. Moving your body, engaging your mind, and creating a moment in your day for yourself are all things that we are designed to do! You deserve to have a workout that fills you with joy and makes you a more positive, energetic version of you.

You obviously know this about me, but The Barre Code came into my life in March 2017, and I’ve never looked back. Those classes are perfect for this stage of life, because:

  • they’re just 50 minutes
  • close to my house
  • I love the instructors and the positive environment
  • I can literally see changes taking place in my muscles from the classes
  • The clothes are comfy (basically PJ’s, haha!), so I don’t mind throwing on a loose tank and some barre socks in the morning right after I roll out of bed.

Find the workout that fills you with joy! Just because someone else loves a workout (looking at you, crossfitters!), doesn’t mean you have to love it too. There are a trillion options for morning workouts (soul cycle, barre, yoga, distance running, HIIT, group classes, solo gym time, private trainers, living room workouts…) Enjoy experimenting and searching until you find the one that lights you up inside.

And if you want to try a Barre Code Austin class, feel free to use this code to get 50% off your first two weeks:

“SoMuchBarre” for 50% off at The Barre Code

5. Have your “why”

If you journal, try this:

Make some coffee, give yourself 10 minutes of time, and dig deep to find the reason why you feel you should wake up early for a morning workout. The more the reason resonates with you, the easier it will be to wake up in those dark morning hours.

Here’s my “why”: even though I’m self-employed and could easily take a noon barre class, I choose the 6 am classes because I love how aligned it makes me feel for the rest of my day. I feel super happy when I get home after a workout, make my coffee, and take a few minutes to journal or read. I also choose the morning workouts because I am much more likely to skip afternoon classes, but I won’t skip the morning workouts (because of that cancellation policy we talked about, ha!)

What’s your “why”?

Tips to wake up for your early morning workout

Thanks for stopping by today, friends! Love you all!

Any tips you’d like to share for how you manage to wake up for early morning workouts?

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5 years ago

[…] I shared tips to wake up early for a morning workout right here, and then 5 more tips here. […]

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