The First Few Days At Home With A Newborn

Hi friends! I’m sharing a little update from the first few weeks of life with a newborn. This is the type of thing I’d typically show on my instagram stories, but those aren’t happening right now and I have a big bunch of photos to share.

My baby boy is 3 weeks old now (what? how?!) and I’m still taking a break from instagram…which has been weird! This is the longest stretch of time I’ve taken away from that social media app since I started my blog in 2016. I thought I’d have lots of extra time by not using instagram during my maternity leave, but it turns out that I’m just barely keeping my head above water..haha! So I’m pretty happy that I decided to give myself grace and take a break from social media. 😉 Nate is back at work after paternity leave. My mom stayed us for a week, and then my mother-in-law visited for a week from Colorado, and I had a couple sisters come for weekend visits, but now I’m officially on my own with this little guy. I’m amazed at how a day can be 100% filled to the brim with feedings, snuggles, soothing, diaper/clothing changes, and the bare self-care necessities, like eating lunch and brushing my teeth (and taking a shower if I’m lucky!)

The first few days at home were such a haze of happy sleeplessness…they flew by and I can hardly remember them at all to be honest! I’m sharing a few photos and memories from those first few days at home with a newborn: 

This picture will always be one of my favorites, despite the fact that we’re such a hot mess in it. We came home from the hospital, walked in the door, and made it as far as the couch (which is about 10 feet from the front door) before collapsing into the deepest 2-hour nap of my life. Even Storm came and joined our little family snuggle sesh. Nate told me “it’s my dream come true – my baby boy is sleeping on my chest, my cat is curled up on my legs, and my wife is snoring by my side.” Ha! (And let the record show that I was conked out and snoring…cute.) 

Storm is slowly adjusting to life with a newborn. She definitely felt a little neglected for the first 2 weeks, and she kept a cautious distance from everyone (even Nate, who’s her favorite person) until recently. She’s just starting to get back to her normal cuddly self. 

My mom stayed with us for the first week at home, and she was SO helpful! She asked me what types of food I wanted, and I said lots of hearty soups and stews. This yummy beef stew was the first meal I ate when I got home. 

This kale salad was another one of my favorites…apparently my pregnancy salad craving is sticking around! It’s a recipe from Olympic marathoner Shalene Flanagan. She eats this salad as a recovery food from her long training runs…sounds about right for someone who is recovering from childbirth. 😉 

Snuggles on snuggles on snuggles. I have endless photos on my phone of this view, and I’m thankful for every single photo I’ve taken because he is seriously changing and growing SO fast! I can hardly believe he was this little on day 1! 

Ok, lots of memories wrapped up in the above photo: my mom graciously cooking (yet another) delicious, hearty, healthy meal for me, Nate standing cuddling Milo, Storm sitting on my (unopened) breast pump box in the distance, and our herb garden inside because the weather was getting down to freezing temps that night. 

Those newborn faces crack me up! I love the little “smirks” that newborns make. Pretty sure most of those faces above are pooping faces, and I’m obsessed. 

After 2 days of being inside at home I felt like I might go crazy if I didn’t get outside for some fresh air. I YouTubed how to put on the boba wrap (good god so many twists and turns on that thing!), snuggled up Milo inside, and walked the slooowest lap around the block. Still feeling sore a few days after birth, but it just felt so good to move a little bit!  

Sure Storm…go ahead and make yourself at home. What’s Milo’s is yours. 😉 

These muffins were another favorite of mine in the first few days of recovery. They’re packed with carrots, zucchini, walnuts, maple syrup, and sooo tasty toasted and smeared with butter for breakfast. I’m going to be making these to give to friends who have just given birth. (They’re called “superhero muffins,” another recipe from Shalene Flanagan.)

It took exactly 9 days before I looked at Nate and said, “I miss you!” Which is kind of crazy because we were spending literally every minute together in our house. But I needed an hour away from home with just my husband, so I changed out of my pjs and put on leggings and a cozy pullover, got in the car, and drove to Ramen Tatsu-ya for a bowl of noodles on a frigid Friday afternoon with my husband while my mother-in-law stayed at home with Milo. 

The beautiful fall weather in Austin has been beckoning me outside. Thankfully, I had plenty of family members around during my first few weeks at home who were willing to stay home with Milo while I snuck away to walk around the lake. This walking trail is so good for my soul. 

Caitlin came to visit! She brought a few beers that we shared while she snuggled Milo. 

Oh, happiness! This picture sums up the cozy days at the beginning: Pajamas: check. Sleepy baby: check. Dark circles under my eyes: check. 

Milo’s first stroller outing was to my favorite gelato shop, Dolce Neve! It’s rarely cold enough to get bundled up in November in Austin, but the cold weather happened to coincide with our ice cream craving. Anyone else think that ice cream tastes especially great in the cold months? 

My friend Kaileen mailed this sweet monogrammed stroller blanket. It’s sooo soft and cozy, and the prettiest mint green color. I’m in love!

Cozy chicken curry + rice, made by my amazing husband, on yet another cold evening in Austin. I’m thankful the weather was so chilly during the first few days home from the hospital, because it made staying indoors and resting by the fireplace a bit of a vacation. I love hanging out in my comfy home when the weather is blustery. 

And one goofy double chin picture before I sign off, because oh the cuteness! My life is 1000% squishier since this little man came into it.

I’ll be back to more Austin food content in the near future! I’m just enjoying these lazy days at home right now. Chat soon! 

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5 years ago

Oh, Milo is just the cutest!! I can’t wait to meet him. I’m so impressed you’ve already gotten out as much as you have AND that you are writing blog posts already. Also, I feel the exact same about ice cream in the cold months – it’s the best! 🙂

Kevin Bush
3 years ago

Newborn baby twins boys black girl Red coming back house today now over here today

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