My Summer 2019 Austin Bucket List

My Austin summer bucket list

My Austin summer bucket list

I’ve never made a personal bucket list for the summer, but after enough years in Austin, I’ve realized that summer goes by WAY too fast, and before I know it, September is here and I still haven’t done half of the summer activities I wanted to do!

So this year, Nate and I sat down together and made a list of all the fun Austin-y summer activities we want to squeeze into the next 3 months.

We’ve already done lots of these things, but they’re fun enough that we want to repeat them. And a couple things on our list (like Hamilton Pool) are new for us!

SOOOO excited for summer! I’m a huge fan of those triple-digit temps, melty ice cream, longs days at the pool, and early morning workouts. Bring it on!!

My Austin summer bucket list

My Summer 2019 Austin Bucket List

  • Make reservations to Hamilton Pool// Can you believe I’ve never done this? I made reservations for a Sunday in September (it’s the veeeerry end of summer, but it was the only weekend date that was still available).
  • Spend a day at a City of Austin Pool// There are so many good ones! Deep Eddy, Big Stacy, Barton Springs…
  • Head out to the Oasis// I love eating food and sipping beer while watching the sunset over Lake Travis. Totally magical.
  • Go boating on Lake Austin // I’m going to make a reservation with Float On and spend an afternoon out on the lake with some friends. Can’t wait!
  • Go to the drive-in theater// I went to a drive-in theater in Dallas all the time as a kid, but I’ve never been to the local drive-in theater in Austin. That’s definitely on my list to do this summer.
  • Go to a blueberry farm// This is another thing I did as a kid! My family would wake up bright and early on a Saturday morning, drive out to east Texas, and spend a few hours picking gallons and gallons of blueberries. Then, we’d bring them home and put them in the garage freezer so we could enjoy Texas blueberries all winter long. I’ve done a little research on blueberry farms near Austin, and I’m hoping that they deliver with a good blueberry crop this year.
  • Read a ton of books // My to-read list has never been longer, and I’m sooo happy about it. I’m loading up my kindle! I love spending a lazy summer day with a good novel and a big glass of iced green tea.
  • Spend a day in Houston to see a soccer game and brewery-hop. // Nate is a soccer fan, and I just go along for the beer! (Oh wait…I’m not drinking this summer. I guess it’s time to learn a little bit about the players on the Dynamo team.)
  • Blues On The Green! // YAY! It’s Blues On The Green season!!
  • Eat Amy’s Ice Cream and Watch The SoCo Bats Emerge // This is one of those simple summer pleasures that is sooo much fun, but I still have to schedule it if I’m going to actually make it happen.
  • Throw a paella party at home // Nate and I have talked about doing this for a long time! We’ve never made paella at home, so we’ll have to do a trial run and then schedule a party a few weeks out. So excited for this!

Ok, that’s our list!! I’m sure it will grow a little bit as we get further into summer (and out of this rainy week…ugh), but for now, I’m just so excited with the anticipation of all these summer activities!

Lots of love to you. Happy Wednesday!

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5 years ago

Great list! Such a good idea to make a list to make sure you do everything. We usually only do the best things when friends come to town, we should change that.

5 years ago

[…] what will I do all summer? Fun Austin stuff! (Check out my 2019 summer bucket list that I wrote on Wednesday! So many fun things to do this summer!) And, of course, I’ll be […]

5 years ago

Great summer bucket list, so good I might just make it my own!

5 years ago

[…] my 2019 Austin summer bucket list? One of the things I wanted to make sure I did this summer was to get ice cream at Amy’s and […]

5 years ago

[…] was on my Austin summer bucket list, and I think it will have to be a repeat for next year. I love being out on the […]

5 years ago

[…] checked another item off my 2019 Austin summer bucket list: I (finally) went boating in Austin! How have I lived here so long without going out on a boat on […]

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