Bougie’s Donuts and Coffee: Austin’s Newest Donut Shop

It’s FRIDAY! Happy weekend, friends!!

Austin, Texas is seriously a foodie’s paradise. Just when I think my “need to visit” list of restaurants can’t get any longer, another adorable shop opens! Bougie’s Donuts and Coffee just opened last Wednesday, and after hearing a few good things about it, I couldn’t wait to head in and check it out for myself!

I brought my brand new camera because I’ve literally had ZERO time to try it out since it arrived on Tuesday…and what makes a better model than a donut?? They seriously always look good, so I knew this would be a hard photo shoot to screw up.

Now, when I originally checked out their website (which seems to still be under construction), I was a little bummed to see that they were using Cuvee coffee roasters as their supplier. While it is known for being Austin’s local coffee roaster, it’s not all that widely respected nationally.. But when I went into the store and was told that they always have a guest roaster, and it’s currently Commonwealth from Denver, I was so excited! I love that roaster and often buy bags of it from coffee shops around Austin that carry it. That news gave them a little bit more coffee cred in my book. 😉 I’m looking forward to seeing the other coffee roasters they use as guests!

I sampled two donuts (I would have had more, but I have this “wedding dress” situation happening in four weeks from tomorrow…haha), but OH MY GOSH. They were delicious! They’re obviously beautiful donuts, but they taste amazing too. The cake donuts were fluffy and moist, and the flavors were so well thought out. I love that the berry donut actually has real, fresh blueberries on top.

Note: Google Maps shows the shop as being near Academy Sports on Brodie Lane, but it’s actually about a quarter of a mile north of there, in the same shopping center, right by David’s Bridal. Hopefully this glitch is worked out soon!

Bougie’s Donuts and Coffee

5400 Brodie Lane, Austin, TX 78745

6:30 am – 3 pm, Mon-Sat, Closed Sun


My mom is driving down from Dallas this weekend to help me with some wedding planning stuff! I’m so excited for some time with her! I have a wedding to-do list that we’re going to hopefully work through. Nate and I get married exactly 4 weeks from tomorrow….the countdown is on!



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8 years ago

Photos are looking good, Kelsey! And those donuts look scrumptious! Cake donuts are my go-to. I can’t wait to try this place!

8 years ago

This place looks so delicious and amazing!


Molly | Awfully Big Adventure Blog
8 years ago

Blueberry cake donuts are my faaave…and I don’t even consider myself a “donut person.” Need to go scope it out!! And your photos look LEGIT.

8 years ago

You are going to love your camera! You are taking such awesome pics!!

Izzy Bruning
8 years ago

These doughnuts honestly look incredible! x
Izzy |

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