How many times can I share about our brewery weekends on this blog? 😉 Answer: infinity. We love going to Dripping Springs breweries with playgrounds on the weekends! I love that Dripping such a short drive from Austin but feels so spacious and expansive. Jester King is one of my all-time faves for the insane quality of the food (that pizza crust is EVERYTHING) and award-winning beers. Of course, recently they’ve really branched out from their typical farmhouse-style ales and started doing more mainstream beers that appeal to the general beer audience (plus cider and wine), but they still have their original beers made with natural yeast from the property.
The whole fam is here!
We typically just get pepperoni when we’re with the kids (since it’s their favorite), but when Nate and I are alone we’ll get some of the more unique pizza toppings at Jester King. But this was a family visit, so pepperoni pizza + chocolate chip cookies it was!
This child! He has my heart.
We met up with a bunch of friends and hung out all afternoon near the Jester King playground. I love spending time with these girls! However…we’ve learned that we have to also get together in the evenings after the kids go to bed and share a bottle of wine on the back patio together if we want to actually have a full conversation. We had 10 kids ages 3 & under running around, so it’s safe to say that the majority of the afternoon was spent trying to keep the children alive and not actually enjoying conversation…ha!
Dear Jester King: we loooove your chocolate chip cookies.
And that’s what a weekend looks like for our fam! XO