Burro Cheese Kitchen

I mean…who wouldn’t want to eat at a cheese kitchen?? Burro Cheese Kitchen is a teeny-tiny artisan grilled cheese restaurant made from a shipping container. Parked on S. Congress, right in the middle of one of the busiest shopping districts in Austin, this little restaurant was created after the owner, Justin Burrow, found inspiration from Beecher’s at Pike Place Market in Seattle. He wanted a top-notch grilled cheese experience available to the people in his hometown, Austin….and by golly, he created it!

These tasty, melty sandwiches are made on local bakery Easy Tiger’s handmade bread and filled with yummy ingredients like spicy maple bacon sauce and my favorite, balsamic apricot fig. Create your own sandwich or go with one of burro’s artisan grilled cheeses, like the Waylon and Willie: Sour Dough, Cheddar Cheese, Caramelized Onions + Spicy Maple Bacon Sauce. (PRO TIP: add a fried egg on top!)

1221 S. Congress Ave

11:30 am – 8:30 pm, Tue-Sat

11:30 am – 4:30 pm, Sun



So much yummy food, so little time! I’m having to head out of town this weekend for an orchestra gig, so I’ll be living vicariously through my favorite instagramers’ shots of Austin food..haha. Have a fantastic weekend, friends!


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8 years ago

This looks like such a cute and cool place! I am def grilled cheese person and would love to check this out if I’m in the area!


Izzy Bruning
8 years ago

Looks so cute! x
Izzy |https://pinchofdelight.wordpress.com

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