Brunch at Forthright

Another weekend in Austin, another brunchy-brunch!

We headed to Forthright, a downtown cafe right by Lady Bird Lake, for a late Sunday brunch of delicious food and coffee.


The wait wasn’t bad around 2 pm. We didn’t have reservations but managed to snag seats by the bar with about a 10 minute wait. I love all of the big windows! So bright and airy!



Forthwright uses Sightglass Coffee, a roaster from San Francisco (sadly, we didn’t get to try this roaster when we visited San Francisco for the 4th of July so I was happy to see it’s made its way to the Austin coffee scene!).




A capp and a latte to start. Ok, if I have to be 100% honest here, I’ll say that the coffee was decent, but not the best I’ve had. The espresso had a nice, nutty flavor to it, but the milk on both drinks seems to be frothed a little too heavy-handed, so the milk bubbles weren’t quite as smooth and velvety as I like.




We ordered a HUUUGE cinnamon roll to share with coffee.




Nate ordered the waffle sandwich, and I stole bites because that’s what fiancés do. It was pretty tasty! If I had one complaint, I’d say that the waffle was a little dry and needed just a daaaash more maple syrup. Ain’t nobody want a dry waffle sandwich.

| FORTHWRIGHT WAFFLE SANDWICH: smoked bacon, gruyére, over easy egg, maple syrup |



I picked the pork belly hash, which was deeeelish. (Nate’s normally the one who always orders the hash, but I picked it this time.)

|PORK BELLY HASH: maple glazed pork belly, sweet potato, pickled poblano, fried eggs|





Just looking at this shot of our brunch table makes me so happy! I don’t know what it is about you, brunch, but I’m your gal. We will be together forever.





Literally my very favorite brunch shirt, 1) because its’ so super soft and comfy, and 2) because it’s so ridiculous and Austin-y.



I’ve been in the Christmas spirit lately! I’ve got my Frank Sinatra Christmas album playing, the tree is up, and I’m working on my holiday shopping! Which is quite a feat for a family the size of mine..


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3 years ago

[…] This pretty little downtown cafe on San Jac would be a lovely place to brunch on the first day of the year! Their current coffee roaster is Sightglass Coffee Roasters from San Francisco, and their menu is full of lots of classic and well-made staples like Avocado Toast, Pork Belly Hash, and Eggs Benedict. When I’m describing Forthwright to someone, I say that it’s “good, typical, well-prepared brunch food.” There’s nothing extraordinary or flashy about it; it’s just quality, comfortable, and, although it’s new right now, it has the potential to be a timeless Austin brunch spot. […]

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